Blood Banking

Blood Banking / Transfusion Medicine Expert Witness

A Blood Banking expert witness testifies about the standard of care for blood storage, blood transfusion, transfusion reaction, and other blood bank issues. Blood Banking and Transfusion Medicine is a medical specialty dealing with all aspects of blood component therapy including donor recruitment and collection, the management and monitoring of hospital-based transfusions and blood donation centers, and patient safety in these settings. Individuals in this specialty direct the preparation and safe use of blood products and components including red blood cells, platelets, plasma, marrow, and stem cells. Blood Banking & Transfusion Medicine specialists may also specialize in therapeutic phlebotomy (the removal of excessive red blood cells) and therapeutic apheresis (the separation of particular blood components), as well as appropriate testing of blood and blood products. An experienced Blood Banking expert witness can address any of these complex areas.

Regardless of their specific area of expertise, all Blood Banking & Transfusion Medicine specialists are physicians who complete residency training in Pathology before completing a fellowship in Blood Banking & Transfusion Medicine. They are then eligible for board certification by the American Board of Pathology with a subspecialty certificate in Blood Banking & Transfusion Medicine. These specialists are rarely defendants in medical negligence cases, though they are sometimes named when a transfusion error occurs during pretransfusion testing (e.g. type and cross-matching).

From opinions on liability to the analysis of complex issues involving any facet of Blood Banking & Transfusion Medicine, Elite Medical Experts has in-depth experience in myriad areas including:

  • Autologous blood transfusion
  • Blood transfusion and cross-matching
  • Blood donor services
  • Blood storage, processing, and testing
  • Routine blood draws (phlebotomy)
  • Therapeutic phlebotomy
  • Transfusion reactions
  • Stem cell collection
  • Therapeutic apheresis
  • Tissue typing (HLA typing)

Blood Banking & Transfusion Medicine is a highly technical field, and a top-tier Blood Banking expert witness from a major university hospital is mission-critical to understanding complex issues. To secure a hand-selected Blood Banking and Transfusion Medicine expert witness for your case, please contact Elite Medical Experts and speak with a physician or nurse on our Case Strategy Team.

Head Shot of Dr. Burton Bentley II

Author Profile

Dr. Burton Bentley II, the CEO of Elite Medical Experts, is a nationally renowned authority on medical liability, informed consent, and complex issues at the intersections of medicine, law, and business. As a board-certified Emergency Medicine physician and entrepreneur, Dr. Bentley founded Elite Medical Experts in 2010 while overseeing nearly a decade of year-over-year growth. Dr. Bentley also developed and patented a commercial medical device and co-founded Consent Spectrum, a state-of-the-art digital platform for informed consent in aesthetic medical procedures.  Outside of Elite, Dr. Bentley can be found spending time with his family and riding horses in Tucson’s riverbeds and deserts.

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